Friday, April 26, 2013

JW Maxx Solutions Offers Tips for Online Crisis Management through Twitter

JW Maxx Solutions knows that since Twitter operates much differently than Facebook, it is important to know how to properly respond in the event of an online crisis stemming from Twitter.
If you currently do not have a Twitter account, you should assess if it is appropriately needed for managing a crisis conversation. Establishing a separate Twitter for communicating corporate messaging is important if you want to successfully manage a crisis in 140 characters or less.
The headline is important when responding to an online crisis via Twitter. It needs to be balanced and comprehensive because you are limited to 140 characters, and many sites simply auto populate the attention grabbing headline leaving the impression it can be viewed out of context.
Since content is limited on Twitter, online video in crisis management has become an important way of getting your responses across with full, accurate information.
Last but not least, JW Maxx Solutions recommends you stay aware of duplicate accounts made with your company’s name. Do a search and make sure that your brand name is safe and not in the hands of someone intending on creating social chaos. Twitter has a policy for reclaiming inappropriate accounts.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Social Media Marketing with Web 2.0: Making Your Customers Your Biggest asset Online

From Twitter to Facebook, the internet provides tons of social media marketing opportunities. Most companies know that they can take out advertisements to market their companies online, but many discount the influence of free services and properly utilized social networking.  Companies like JW Max solutions excel in the area of social media marketing.

Satisfied customers can be incredible for your online reputation. Happy customers will often share your page or post positive remarks that can be seen by hundreds or even thousands of other people. With the number of users on Facebook and Twitter, it’s not hard to see the impact that “good words” can have on a company’s reputation. Moreover, this form of marketing is cheaper than almost any other form and can have a phenomenal impact if used correctly.

Unfortunately, this strategy of marketing also has its downsides. Social media requires constant maintenance and can be really hard to regulate. Your social media outlets must be constantly monitored or you run the risk of online “vandalism” or negative press creeping into your market. One unsatisfied customer who posts could have more impact than hundreds of happy customers who don’t bother to mention it online. When you factor in internet “trolls” (users who incite or spread inflammatory comments purely to cause trouble), it can be hard for a company to put its best foot forward online.

JW Maxx Solutions specializes in managing your online reputation through social media marketing. We provide a wide range of services that keep your search results and social media working for you. Don’t get caught spending all your time managing your social media.  Let the experts at JW Maxx Solutions take care of your online reputation so you can do what you do best; serving your customers.